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  • Beyond Giving: MD Thomas Muirhead speaks at TEDx Warwick were thrilled to have the opportunity to talk at TEDx Warwick about what we beleive is the way forward for the charity sector.
Speaking to around 1200 people in at Butterworth Concert Hall in Warwick, Thomas was part of a day of talks to the theme of ‘unchartered waters’. In his talk, Thomas outlined what he beleives is preventing the charity sector from raising enough money to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
By debunking the damaging overhead myth and judging our charities on impact instead of admin costs, we could enable our charities to make the most of opportunities, allowing them to operate like businesses. 
Watch the talk on YouTube here, and share it widely to spread the word!


If you’re inspired by this way of thinking about charity and want to be a part of the solution – you should consider joining Core. Core is our new way of donating, for people who understand how charities should work and value transparency, not sales spin.


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